Combination skin experiences the challenges of both oily and dry skin concurrently. This skin type is typically characterized by dry, flaky skin on the cheeks, while exhibiting oiliness and blemishes on other facial areas, especially within the so-called T-zone (nose, forehead, and chin).
If your skin is dry or normal in some areas and more oily or blemished in others, then the care products from the "Combination Skin" category are an excellent choice for you. Many Korean cosmetics are particularly suitable for this skin type, as their formulations and active ingredients tend to be very gentle, hydrating, and skin-friendly. Even when these products contain ingredients that control excessive sebum production, they are suitable for blemished skin.
Thorough and gentle skin cleansing is crucial for the care of all skin types prone to blemishes. Korean cosmetics offer a variety of gentle, non-greasy, and non-irritating cleansing oils, gels, and foams catered to the unique needs of combination skin. These are complemented by invigorating essences/serums, nourishing yet non-greasy ampoules, and ultra-gentle skin creams and masks. For daily sun protection, light non-greasy sun gels are available. To provide a moisture boost for dry skin areas, appropriate night and sheet masks are recommended.